I stopped taking all supplements - seeing that almost all are contaminated with GO, opting for other non-invasive/non-consumable detoxes, foot baths, red-light, EMF protection, dry body brushing, etc.
but...Perhaps it doesn't matter anymore if you take the supps, since GO is in and on everything now - maybe you do get some benefit from supps even if they are contaminated?
I used to eat two eggs every morning, but I began to notice that I never felt good after eating them...so, one morning I looked closely - I saw this white gel-like substance in the raw egg when I put it in the pan - and when I cooked it, it became plastic-like - I haven't eaten eggs since. There's hydrogel in all of the melon family of foods...there is no escape...nanos, hydrogel and chitin for breakfast lunch and dinner...It's all too hideous...but thank you, Ronald.
With the constant poisonings, from every direction and exotic payloads in the capsules that we inhale each day, there is no way out of this - we will never stop it...we either make the transition to homo borgenesis synthetic hybrids or we won't...and do we even want to? Doesn't matter - And we are transitioning with, or without being vaxxed, whether we like it or not. "Genetically modified people are now referred to as homoborgenesis, not homo sapiens.
And who's your Daddy? That would be Bill Gates...all too hideous...
Pasheen, i feel where you're coming from / know what you mean / have fellow feeling. In the beginning of the borgenesis biohack, (I'm not frankenjabbed, but got it thru other channels)I was so disturbed and freaked out and researching like a banchee and trying all the suggested substances and protocols, but recently I stopped the battle so to say (just temporarily. It's in my mind / goals to start back up trying to keep up with treating it aggressively and consistenly). I dont know, ........ other things were happening with my frankenjab-life-altering-damaged elderly father, and everyone in my real-life immediate family and friends circle were attacking me like invasion-of-thebodysnatched allopathic establishment libtard cult member zealots, and maybe I got too demoralized overall and overwhelmed with what's going on, and I've ended up dropping down my hands, so to say. So I feel very ticking-time-bomb-ish as far as what could be developing in my body system, that if I get my heart rate up too much in physical activites that I'll have a heart attack or drop dead, etc., I need to get back at it / cracking at it again / attacking it with all the suggested supplements and protocols and detox measures etc., but at this moment, I've temporarily crapped-out and halted everything. Anyhoo..... just wanted to let you know that I feel you, what you expressed and where you're coming from. All the best.
Don't fret - I get where you're coming from too...the anguish and frustration is overwhelming at times and it's good to step back...and come back in when things calm down - mostly our freaking heart rate. I also have heart issues - and I don't ever push it - I don't allow myself any intense cardio stuff - and I'm doing next to no supplements - unless I feel I need something specific...just protecting from EMFs for sure...Thinking about getting the BluShield device cube. Pricey though.
Hang in there - be easy on yourself - you are not alone...we rant until we can't. All the best to you as well...
Pasheen-- really appreciate what you said / the encouragment. Thank you, and much love. May the Creator of the universe help us all navigate through this worldwide borgenesis on humankind. Hug, S.
This week I attended a webinar with Cory of EMF Sol. He just got compelling report as to his products. I've invested in many other devices. But, the report he received from an evaluation was compelling and I think you should see if you can attend one to make up your own mind, see if you can track down the paper. I hope this helps.
This is alarming. Can you share a link with the info on supplements containing GO. Also, a link for the melon family. I have found similar symptoms after consuming store bought eggs, though they are the highest quality available. I just feel better when not eating them. So sad. Hang in there.
La Quinta Columna has a dedicated graphene telegram page - shows consumer products that have been contaminated. Called mira al microscopio. Also matt J.o.a.b on substack has some supplements he's tested. Just assume it is in everything. Brighteon videos too - you can do a search - and Celeste Solum - check out all of her webinars...
I never buy store-bought eggs! I’m sure somebody where you live has chickens where you can buy eggs? Even if you live in a city, the suburbs always have some kind of people with chicken and definitely Amish farms. I need eggs all the time and I’ve never seen what you’re speaking of in my eggs.🤷♂️
I looked at my own chicken's eggs under the microscope. I'm in about 5 chicken Facebook groups and pics are starting to pop up where the nano filaments (large ones!) are in the eggs, visible to the naked eye. The air, clouds, rain, snow is contaminated. I'd rather eat eggs from chickens living indoors now. The rules have all changed.
It is a compelling argument when we know 194 countries of the world go along with rabid, massive depopulation intrigues. Likewise, I believe these nations' chief executives aka slime willing to decimate their own populations have been given bundles of fiat currencies and made offers they can't refuse. I could be wrong on this issue. I'm open to suggestions.
Great idea, thank you! I'm not sure if topical EDTA cream is absorbed properly and same thing with oral EDTA in the stomach. People have said it doesn't survive digestion and recommended suppositories for those who can't afford IV treatments. I will try the under the tongue method.
I've been taking EDTA rectally about 4-5 times a week for two months now, and I've seen no difference at all. My energy level is actually down. I have read that if you have a lot of mercury it can bind to it and release in the brain, causing havoc.
I've checked my blood film. Before and sfter curious treatments. Before a type of chelation therapy, I had gels, objects of various kinds, and lots of rouleaux abd what appears to be coagulation, abd sludge (presumably dead blood cells.)
Now it appears the issue is rouleaux and coagulation and sludge.
Since the chelation course has stopped for a period, I'm trialing choropyhlin and methylene blue.
Fatigue is still apparent, which I'm thinking is due to rouleaux and coagulation causing poorer circulation of blood cells abd therefore less oxygen supplied to total body.
Reduction in gel/polymer seems good since chelation.
MBlue for the remaing gels, chlorophyllin for rouleaux, will test after results.
Hallo,sorry I have a question how do you feel with methylene blue?I ask because I surch solutions.Everybody tells somthing diffrent,EDTA help from the Doctors side,it dont helps mostly from the clients.The same thing with methylenblue.I am a little bit confused thats why I am asking how do you feel it?
So after researching treatments for almost two years I am more confused than ever. This guy claims many supplements people are taking are making things worse (and I do wonder now as I started looking up the inactive ingredients of supplements in my cupboard (here in Australia you can find the info on the TGA site) - it is shocking what is in them - and PEG (sometimes called macrogol) is in many supplements). There are people claiming nattokinase won't help and actually might make things worse (bits breaking off and spreading elsewhere in the body?), consuming water with a bit of borax in it helps/no it will make things worse, it is difficult to work out where to get a safe source of ivermectin...... Is there any proof of anything working?
I’m with you in these sentiments. How would we ever know if any of these supplements are uncontaminated, and that they do anything, given the lack of specificity into what exactly is going on? It’s maddening.
I feel for you as there is so much conflicting info out there. My answer has been to return to taking as much as possible in its natural form. IE: bromelain , eating a pineapple a day. I felt good and my blood was good while doing that. I now don't trust anything in a pill or capsule, nor any processed food or anything with an ingredients list. Saves $ too.
No, just an unqualified citizen that's pissed off after finding this tech in all his family down to the youngest grand child. All who didn't take the poison included.
I haven't been sick, except feeling sick in the guts when I see them continue to poison the kids plus the apathy of adults not willing to wake up and fight for them.
Currently trialling different things to test removal one by one. Been doing it for quite a while now.
I've practically given up. Sole member of my family (including siblings and parents) that didn't get the jab (though I realise now I am most likely 'contaminated' via shedding and from numerous other sources). Can't talk about the jabs (so all are completely unaware, they won't read anything/wouldn't believe it - end result is I can't help - oh wait - I'm so confused I'm not sure I can help in any way now anyway). We live in a SMART city - I don't like living here but I'd have to disown my family and leave my children (and of course I don't know where a 'safe' place to live anyway). Eldest child doesn't believe me regarding the harms of wireless devices (she would totally think I've gone nuts if I started talking about control of humans via what's in the jab + 5G etc). Ultimate nightmare - knowing we are being harmed, nobody in the family believes you, family members doing things you know are harmful, not being confident in any solutions. It feels like I have wasted so much time researching and here I am still reading stuff. What's the point. If I found the answers it's not like anyone in my family would believe me.
Sounds to me you deserve a good rant, as we all do occasionally. Unfortunately you have no choice to give up. The time will come when you are needed by your family and you will have to be both informed and strong when that happens.
Many will only listen when the pain comes and its possibly too late. This will be the real test of character and strength that each of us probably never wished to face but morally and ethically have no choice but to do so. We need to be in a position to do something at that time regardless of outcomes.
Their marketing materials are full of deceptive hype. You'll never find anywhere that they use organic ingredients - that's why I suspected something was not right.
I've been taking EDTA at night, 6-8 hours after vitamins/minerals by dissolving under the tongue. I'm not sure how much absorbs, how effective it is vs IV. I think with suppositories it's 5-6 of them is equivalent to one IV treatment.
Oral EDTA causes cramping, I got cramps in my feet... went away lowering the dose to 1/3rd of a teaspoon every other day! Zeolite clay apparently is every bit as good a chelation agent, and doesn't taste at all horrid compared to EDTA!
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is a manmade compound used in 'chelation therapy'. Chelation is to bind to, and remove metals from the body. EDTA can be used to remove mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminium, antimony, tin etc. but will also remove good metals iron,
calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc etc. so take a multi-mineral to re-supplement! Oral EDTA chelation goes everywhere in the body and can cause cramping, but intravenous EDAT chelation therapy apparently sends it only to arteries and veins and doesn't cause cramping!
And I believe EDTA came along when German scientists were seeing what they could make by burning coal tar - they came up with clothing dyes, methylene blue, ascorbic acid (vit. C) and Aspirin!
I hope you are grounding daily as the regeneration of tissue, healing requires good grounding, not through electical outlets but bare feet or leather soles on the ground. Breathing correctly, through the nose to increase nitric acid procuction, humming to increase stem cell production from the brain. Light therapy and the Rife Frequency generator is amazing. It has done such cool things as get rid of Kennel Cough in two dogs overnight without any medication. They can not have a placebo effect... I did not tell them they would be cured. Open your mind as you have to the other paths to healing and you may be surprised. Urine therepy goes back 5,000 years and is the key for the longevity in China of a town with more people over 100 years old, functioning, and imbibing urine daily. Don't be deceived by the AMA claiming to know all things through PHARMA.
Sounds crazy but I use green laser, red lights, and Rife for years. It works.
There are books and articles about the benefits of urine therapy, but no detailed information about when and how to do it. Those considering trying this need to know more - does it matter which urine of the day, refrigerated or warm, how often, how much, storage, etc.
Yes I can see your point - this needs to be addressed
Also when taking EDTA it's effects are very short lived, as soon as your around other ppl the Nano Tech is back, intravenous is the best but it all still comes straight back & it strips all the good metals out of your body as does Zeolite which is highly toxic if taken constantly - ppl have died from it Take a low dose for a few days & stop. Leave a week or 2 & then another few days. Never take Zeolite daily for weeks - it will kill you.
I have read on other substacks the question of where do these nanos go as a result of taking EDTA? Are they dispersed in the body? How do we know they are leaving the body? And also the bone marrow- is that being affected?
If you clean certain receptors with nicotine ■ it is advised to take an oil, like Fish/Krill oil to remove the floating release from the body, otherwise it is said the release can travel and settle else where in the body. M
It said that one part of this bioweapon is synthetic venoms/to code identification; the PCR test has been the practice to identify venom, especially snake. ■ A Nicotine patch worn for about 6 days is said to clean the receptors that are needing the removal/if there is. Nicotine gum is an alternative. Smokers were found less harmed from this bioweapon and it help others like Dr. Ardis to search this part out. Therefore, with food being sprayed with venom base pesticides/herbicides, these too are loaded with synthetic venoms, the water as well. Some meds are ingredient with these venom/s as well. M
Thanks. There is so much to know if we are going to make any attempt to protect ourselves from these bioweapons. I find it overwhelming, and also maddening that we have to invest our time into this research and turning over stones to keep up because they didn't give us any choice or easy ways to opt out.
Aaaaaaand ! The message about the power of edta under your tongue DELIBERATELY covered over here with the next comment actually talking about DOGS KENNEL COUGH & humming … & moisturiser wtf !?
Here is suppose to be …posts of possible remedies to clean our contaminated blood 🩸
My last post now to the Einsteins on here is
maybe try moisturiser on the dogs with kennel cough while humming to help you
Thank you but most moisturizers have peg in them. Polyethylene glycol along with most toothpaste, deodorant, cosmetics, shampoo, conditioner , texturizer in ice cream , beer, pudding, on and on and on. polyethylene glycol has been put in food for over 60 years. I am off to jog and hummm Yankee doodle while I do. Have a nicer day!
I am wondering about common lotions that many of us put on our skin to moisturize. I am assuming these are now found with heavy metal and other contaminants as well?
Most name brand name lotions have hydrogel ingredient polyethylene glycol (PEG) along with old spice and other deodorants, toothpaste, shampoos, conditioners, foods.
Ivermectin can bind to the spikes and block them entering cells. But after they are inside cells, things like spermidine can counter the terrible evil genius move by the spikes. What is that evil-genius move? The spikes themselves (maybe fragments even) can freeze up the very exact processes that cells normally use to clear out junk from inside cells, including to clear out the spikes themselves..but with spermidine, one can counter that evil trick by the spikes.”
I do to & lots of other stuff like the Bromelain, Cirtrus Pectin, PQQ, Dandelion & Liquorice powder, R-ALA, CQ10, NAC, Astaxanthin, Selenium, Biotin, MSM, Alpha GPC, Alpha Ketoglutaric Acid, Sulforaphane, Nascent Tri-Iodine, Krill Oil, Taurine etc etc
I would like ask if it's Ok to take stuff like Colloidal Silver or Gold etc or would you just be providing the raw materials to produce more Nano tech stuff that we've seen growing in the blood???
Yes, it's a concern for sure which is why I asked - I've heard others say no, dont take anything like that because it will effect the Nano Tech growth so just wanted an informed, trustworthy opinion
Yes, I would have thought that as ppl rave about Colloidal Gold & Silver & some of the other lesser known metals but that was before ppl had Nano Tech growing inside them!!
It suits me perfectly - there are no minerals or vits left in food anymore due to exhausted soils & factory farming practices so it's just empty stodge, food additives & preservatives most of the time.
I look 20yrs younger than my real age & am mobile, flexible, sleep well, have good memory/recall & am almost never unwell so I'll keep doing what suits me.
Ray Kurzweil takes 100 different Supplements a day so he must know something most ppl dont
He's listed as a Futurist, advocate of AI & Transhumanisim & successful Inventor
I thought he had something to do with the invention of Google, but it was DARPA (Military Intelligence) who built the World Wide Web & interestingly it was DARPA who commissioned the DeathVaxx, Sasha Latypova found the documents - it's not called a vaccine, it's called a 'Countermeasure'
biophotomodulation, the best resource for info is not me, but I have used green filters on movie projectors for years before lasers to expedite healing by 6x normal speeds, even saving a foot from amputation due to gangrene within 5 days of surgery. Green light causes oxygen release and other actions in the body, the best is the article on the severe burns on my leg few years ago, 14 sq inches, 2nd degree nasty but looked great, healed in 10 days... no painkillers, or special oxygen chambers... just 15 minutes of exposure to green laser twice a day or at least once in the evening when changing bandages, and this applies to other parts of body and brain. Red, blue, green, each frequency having different effects on different cells. The discovery of cell free mitochondria in the blood, stem cell parts in our urine that can be used to rebuild our own bodies with as well as make stem cell products as China is now proving is great news. So few keep studying to keep up with all the science. Photo modulation also cures baldness and much more. Grounding daily is also essential. Learn to breath right too. https://tinytexashouses.substack.com/p/fire-screamed-loud-in-a-crowd-evacuate This shows the speed of healing on the burn I had.
Ronald - I will study this; thank you! ■ Vitamin C is said to be needed to avoid inflammation, and yes, I have heard that these clots seem to apprear after death and believed to be from the linings of blood vessels (I am an artist). I have had a military person and Doctors report to use Urine for survival and disease cures. This summit's episode below explains some important uses and will end this evening/time sensitive; signing up free may provide a replay at the end; I do not know. I am interested in how urine effects/affects this bioweapon, if it does, then "we know who is drinking their pee." M
I do not know, but my Nanny had a green area/growth mass/covering on her tongue that her local Doctors could not cure, and meds would not kill. ■ My mother had her to use Hydrogen peroxide and it killed it. M
Sickening, to know , but great information, When it comes to your food , make sure it’s super fresh , I eat mostly raw , cook meat , fish and eggs ,
On mercola.com yesterday an article, they found bird contraceptives in chicken nuggets, at fast food stores,
Stay away from processed foods , only wild caught fish is safer to eat ,
the first things I do when helping people is go for the mitochondria, the power plants , within the cells ,
Ancient minerals magnesium spray , all over my body before bed , my son on his feet bottom, as it itchy a tiny bit , because of the chloride molecule, as it’s magnesium chloride, takes about three months to get results, I would add this the any protocols,
I learned some of this on Episode 4, the Bonus/second video. They just gave a free catch up for Episode 1-5, all free, next 22 hours ending Sat about 7 pm, est. M
One thing I wanna contribute: When I was taking the homeopathic Aurum Metallicum (homeopathic Gold), I DID notice that it helped to subside / diminish/ reduce the intrabodynanocircuitry manifestations. So I think the homeopathic Aurum Metallicum is of benefit.
I stopped taking all supplements - seeing that almost all are contaminated with GO, opting for other non-invasive/non-consumable detoxes, foot baths, red-light, EMF protection, dry body brushing, etc.
but...Perhaps it doesn't matter anymore if you take the supps, since GO is in and on everything now - maybe you do get some benefit from supps even if they are contaminated?
I used to eat two eggs every morning, but I began to notice that I never felt good after eating them...so, one morning I looked closely - I saw this white gel-like substance in the raw egg when I put it in the pan - and when I cooked it, it became plastic-like - I haven't eaten eggs since. There's hydrogel in all of the melon family of foods...there is no escape...nanos, hydrogel and chitin for breakfast lunch and dinner...It's all too hideous...but thank you, Ronald.
With the constant poisonings, from every direction and exotic payloads in the capsules that we inhale each day, there is no way out of this - we will never stop it...we either make the transition to homo borgenesis synthetic hybrids or we won't...and do we even want to? Doesn't matter - And we are transitioning with, or without being vaxxed, whether we like it or not. "Genetically modified people are now referred to as homoborgenesis, not homo sapiens.
And who's your Daddy? That would be Bill Gates...all too hideous...
sorry for the vent...
Pasheen, i feel where you're coming from / know what you mean / have fellow feeling. In the beginning of the borgenesis biohack, (I'm not frankenjabbed, but got it thru other channels)I was so disturbed and freaked out and researching like a banchee and trying all the suggested substances and protocols, but recently I stopped the battle so to say (just temporarily. It's in my mind / goals to start back up trying to keep up with treating it aggressively and consistenly). I dont know, ........ other things were happening with my frankenjab-life-altering-damaged elderly father, and everyone in my real-life immediate family and friends circle were attacking me like invasion-of-thebodysnatched allopathic establishment libtard cult member zealots, and maybe I got too demoralized overall and overwhelmed with what's going on, and I've ended up dropping down my hands, so to say. So I feel very ticking-time-bomb-ish as far as what could be developing in my body system, that if I get my heart rate up too much in physical activites that I'll have a heart attack or drop dead, etc., I need to get back at it / cracking at it again / attacking it with all the suggested supplements and protocols and detox measures etc., but at this moment, I've temporarily crapped-out and halted everything. Anyhoo..... just wanted to let you know that I feel you, what you expressed and where you're coming from. All the best.
Don't fret - I get where you're coming from too...the anguish and frustration is overwhelming at times and it's good to step back...and come back in when things calm down - mostly our freaking heart rate. I also have heart issues - and I don't ever push it - I don't allow myself any intense cardio stuff - and I'm doing next to no supplements - unless I feel I need something specific...just protecting from EMFs for sure...Thinking about getting the BluShield device cube. Pricey though.
Hang in there - be easy on yourself - you are not alone...we rant until we can't. All the best to you as well...
Pasheen-- really appreciate what you said / the encouragment. Thank you, and much love. May the Creator of the universe help us all navigate through this worldwide borgenesis on humankind. Hug, S.
This week I attended a webinar with Cory of EMF Sol. He just got compelling report as to his products. I've invested in many other devices. But, the report he received from an evaluation was compelling and I think you should see if you can attend one to make up your own mind, see if you can track down the paper. I hope this helps.
https://stemcellres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13287-023-03303-w This was the paper shared at the EMF Sol webinar
thank you so much!
This is alarming. Can you share a link with the info on supplements containing GO. Also, a link for the melon family. I have found similar symptoms after consuming store bought eggs, though they are the highest quality available. I just feel better when not eating them. So sad. Hang in there.
La Quinta Columna has a dedicated graphene telegram page - shows consumer products that have been contaminated. Called mira al microscopio. Also matt J.o.a.b on substack has some supplements he's tested. Just assume it is in everything. Brighteon videos too - you can do a search - and Celeste Solum - check out all of her webinars...
I never buy store-bought eggs! I’m sure somebody where you live has chickens where you can buy eggs? Even if you live in a city, the suburbs always have some kind of people with chicken and definitely Amish farms. I need eggs all the time and I’ve never seen what you’re speaking of in my eggs.🤷♂️
I looked at my own chicken's eggs under the microscope. I'm in about 5 chicken Facebook groups and pics are starting to pop up where the nano filaments (large ones!) are in the eggs, visible to the naked eye. The air, clouds, rain, snow is contaminated. I'd rather eat eggs from chickens living indoors now. The rules have all changed.
My exact thoughts. How is GO and hydrogel in all of these things, do you think? Geo-engineering? And how did you discover this?
they own, pay or threaten all the manufacturers...
Yet nobody under their sway won't turn state's evidence against the manufacturers?No whistleblowers? Huh?
Their are still reputable companies around for sure!
It is a compelling argument when we know 194 countries of the world go along with rabid, massive depopulation intrigues. Likewise, I believe these nations' chief executives aka slime willing to decimate their own populations have been given bundles of fiat currencies and made offers they can't refuse. I could be wrong on this issue. I'm open to suggestions.
I stopped taking supplements in capsule form, bought some vitamins that are "gummies", do you think they are any safer than the capsules?
We can’t all afford edta IV
for gods sake to give us more time to find something even better
Why ?? are we confusing everyone with a hundred different supplements? That most are created by the same cabal pharma labs ?
SUBLINGUAL EDTA ABSORBED DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOOD STREAM UNDER THE TONGUE .. gets 45% of the 1000 mg capsule 💊 into the blood stream ..
documented FACT !
I empty 2 capsules of 1000mg under my tongue which gets 90% of the 1000mg into my blood stream .. each morning before I eat
It takes 5 mins for each 1000mg to dissolve under the tongue
Why are we not focusing on this as the current leading champion for us ! We bearly give it a mention ..
Great idea, thank you! I'm not sure if topical EDTA cream is absorbed properly and same thing with oral EDTA in the stomach. People have said it doesn't survive digestion and recommended suppositories for those who can't afford IV treatments. I will try the under the tongue method.
j d-- appreciate this suggestion!
I've been taking EDTA rectally about 4-5 times a week for two months now, and I've seen no difference at all. My energy level is actually down. I have read that if you have a lot of mercury it can bind to it and release in the brain, causing havoc.
I've checked my blood film. Before and sfter curious treatments. Before a type of chelation therapy, I had gels, objects of various kinds, and lots of rouleaux abd what appears to be coagulation, abd sludge (presumably dead blood cells.)
Now it appears the issue is rouleaux and coagulation and sludge.
Since the chelation course has stopped for a period, I'm trialing choropyhlin and methylene blue.
Fatigue is still apparent, which I'm thinking is due to rouleaux and coagulation causing poorer circulation of blood cells abd therefore less oxygen supplied to total body.
Reduction in gel/polymer seems good since chelation.
MBlue for the remaing gels, chlorophyllin for rouleaux, will test after results.
Hallo,sorry I have a question how do you feel with methylene blue?I ask because I surch solutions.Everybody tells somthing diffrent,EDTA help from the Doctors side,it dont helps mostly from the clients.The same thing with methylenblue.I am a little bit confused thats why I am asking how do you feel it?
So after researching treatments for almost two years I am more confused than ever. This guy claims many supplements people are taking are making things worse (and I do wonder now as I started looking up the inactive ingredients of supplements in my cupboard (here in Australia you can find the info on the TGA site) - it is shocking what is in them - and PEG (sometimes called macrogol) is in many supplements). There are people claiming nattokinase won't help and actually might make things worse (bits breaking off and spreading elsewhere in the body?), consuming water with a bit of borax in it helps/no it will make things worse, it is difficult to work out where to get a safe source of ivermectin...... Is there any proof of anything working?
I’m with you in these sentiments. How would we ever know if any of these supplements are uncontaminated, and that they do anything, given the lack of specificity into what exactly is going on? It’s maddening.
Hi Rochelle,
I feel for you as there is so much conflicting info out there. My answer has been to return to taking as much as possible in its natural form. IE: bromelain , eating a pineapple a day. I felt good and my blood was good while doing that. I now don't trust anything in a pill or capsule, nor any processed food or anything with an ingredients list. Saves $ too.
Cheers, m
Are you a doctor by any chance? What do you take/consume when you get sick (if you ever set sick)?
Hi Rochelle,
No, just an unqualified citizen that's pissed off after finding this tech in all his family down to the youngest grand child. All who didn't take the poison included.
I haven't been sick, except feeling sick in the guts when I see them continue to poison the kids plus the apathy of adults not willing to wake up and fight for them.
Currently trialling different things to test removal one by one. Been doing it for quite a while now.
Thanks, matt.
I've practically given up. Sole member of my family (including siblings and parents) that didn't get the jab (though I realise now I am most likely 'contaminated' via shedding and from numerous other sources). Can't talk about the jabs (so all are completely unaware, they won't read anything/wouldn't believe it - end result is I can't help - oh wait - I'm so confused I'm not sure I can help in any way now anyway). We live in a SMART city - I don't like living here but I'd have to disown my family and leave my children (and of course I don't know where a 'safe' place to live anyway). Eldest child doesn't believe me regarding the harms of wireless devices (she would totally think I've gone nuts if I started talking about control of humans via what's in the jab + 5G etc). Ultimate nightmare - knowing we are being harmed, nobody in the family believes you, family members doing things you know are harmful, not being confident in any solutions. It feels like I have wasted so much time researching and here I am still reading stuff. What's the point. If I found the answers it's not like anyone in my family would believe me.
Apologies for the rant.
Practically, but not quite I hope.
Sounds to me you deserve a good rant, as we all do occasionally. Unfortunately you have no choice to give up. The time will come when you are needed by your family and you will have to be both informed and strong when that happens.
Many will only listen when the pain comes and its possibly too late. This will be the real test of character and strength that each of us probably never wished to face but morally and ethically have no choice but to do so. We need to be in a position to do something at that time regardless of outcomes.
Don't ever give up. regards, m
I used to use Life extension brand of supplements, they started bragging about nano so I ran .
Yes my family has used their products and I have been wondering about this company too. Just the name 'life extension' makes me suspicious.
I actually destroyed more than $100 worth of their products.
I don't trust the quality of their products even without nanotech!
I caught on a year before lockdown, the nano was an advertising tool, no thanks!
Their marketing materials are full of deceptive hype. You'll never find anywhere that they use organic ingredients - that's why I suspected something was not right.
oh great- Ive taken many of yheir supplements
That’s a lot of capsules life extension, carries that has magnesium stearate in them anyways
Yes magnesium stearate is in many supplements (and medicines).
Oh no, he claims borax will make the graphene more powerful rather than inactivate it and he says EDTA now has PEG!!! I hope that's not true.
Yet Dr. Ana still says EDTA will help (at least EDTA infusions).
I've been taking EDTA at night, 6-8 hours after vitamins/minerals by dissolving under the tongue. I'm not sure how much absorbs, how effective it is vs IV. I think with suppositories it's 5-6 of them is equivalent to one IV treatment.
Oral EDTA causes cramping, I got cramps in my feet... went away lowering the dose to 1/3rd of a teaspoon every other day! Zeolite clay apparently is every bit as good a chelation agent, and doesn't taste at all horrid compared to EDTA!
It can cause significant drop in calcium. Must be careful and supplement with minerals hours away from the EDTA.
What is EDTA?
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is a manmade compound used in 'chelation therapy'. Chelation is to bind to, and remove metals from the body. EDTA can be used to remove mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminium, antimony, tin etc. but will also remove good metals iron,
calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc etc. so take a multi-mineral to re-supplement! Oral EDTA chelation goes everywhere in the body and can cause cramping, but intravenous EDAT chelation therapy apparently sends it only to arteries and veins and doesn't cause cramping!
And I believe EDTA came along when German scientists were seeing what they could make by burning coal tar - they came up with clothing dyes, methylene blue, ascorbic acid (vit. C) and Aspirin!
Colloidal minerals are best
good brand please?
I’ve used this one before… https://www.traceminerals.com/products/colloidal-minerals
thank you
Thank you SuperbuggG.
use Somahealth EDTA cream
What does it do?
Helps clear nano tech and heavy metals.
I hope you are grounding daily as the regeneration of tissue, healing requires good grounding, not through electical outlets but bare feet or leather soles on the ground. Breathing correctly, through the nose to increase nitric acid procuction, humming to increase stem cell production from the brain. Light therapy and the Rife Frequency generator is amazing. It has done such cool things as get rid of Kennel Cough in two dogs overnight without any medication. They can not have a placebo effect... I did not tell them they would be cured. Open your mind as you have to the other paths to healing and you may be surprised. Urine therepy goes back 5,000 years and is the key for the longevity in China of a town with more people over 100 years old, functioning, and imbibing urine daily. Don't be deceived by the AMA claiming to know all things through PHARMA.
Sounds crazy but I use green laser, red lights, and Rife for years. It works.
Can you explain the green laser light? How does that help?
https://tinytexashouses.substack.com/p/fire-screamed-loud-in-a-crowd-evacuate Here is an article I wrote on this long ago.
There are books and articles about the benefits of urine therapy, but no detailed information about when and how to do it. Those considering trying this need to know more - does it matter which urine of the day, refrigerated or warm, how often, how much, storage, etc.
Go check out Dr Edward Group - he's the man for Urology
You need to capture 1st morning flow midstream, it contains your T Cells so can cure any illness.
It's not dirty as all the bad waste is excreted in the solids.
Search online, theres quite a bit out there & David Avocado Wolfe is good too - he & Dr Group did a great Urology video
Here's the video of Dr Edward Group & David Avocado Wolfe
Urotherapy: The Golden Health Secret
Yes I can see your point - this needs to be addressed
Also when taking EDTA it's effects are very short lived, as soon as your around other ppl the Nano Tech is back, intravenous is the best but it all still comes straight back & it strips all the good metals out of your body as does Zeolite which is highly toxic if taken constantly - ppl have died from it Take a low dose for a few days & stop. Leave a week or 2 & then another few days. Never take Zeolite daily for weeks - it will kill you.
@Odessa Thank you for the information. Nowadays with nanotechnology inside of our bodies it may no longer be a good idea.
urine contains mycotoxins
I have read on other substacks the question of where do these nanos go as a result of taking EDTA? Are they dispersed in the body? How do we know they are leaving the body? And also the bone marrow- is that being affected?
If you clean certain receptors with nicotine ■ it is advised to take an oil, like Fish/Krill oil to remove the floating release from the body, otherwise it is said the release can travel and settle else where in the body. M
How do you clean receptors with nicotine and what does that mean? I take omega fish oil and cod liver oil.
It said that one part of this bioweapon is synthetic venoms/to code identification; the PCR test has been the practice to identify venom, especially snake. ■ A Nicotine patch worn for about 6 days is said to clean the receptors that are needing the removal/if there is. Nicotine gum is an alternative. Smokers were found less harmed from this bioweapon and it help others like Dr. Ardis to search this part out. Therefore, with food being sprayed with venom base pesticides/herbicides, these too are loaded with synthetic venoms, the water as well. Some meds are ingredient with these venom/s as well. M
Thanks. There is so much to know if we are going to make any attempt to protect ourselves from these bioweapons. I find it overwhelming, and also maddening that we have to invest our time into this research and turning over stones to keep up because they didn't give us any choice or easy ways to opt out.
Amen! ■ Stew Peters: HVAC Systems Used To Create Covid Hot Spots
Aaaaaaand ! The message about the power of edta under your tongue DELIBERATELY covered over here with the next comment actually talking about DOGS KENNEL COUGH & humming … & moisturiser wtf !?
Here is suppose to be …posts of possible remedies to clean our contaminated blood 🩸
My last post now to the Einsteins on here is
maybe try moisturiser on the dogs with kennel cough while humming to help you
Cleanse your current dying body !!
From your blood contamination..
Thank you but most moisturizers have peg in them. Polyethylene glycol along with most toothpaste, deodorant, cosmetics, shampoo, conditioner , texturizer in ice cream , beer, pudding, on and on and on. polyethylene glycol has been put in food for over 60 years. I am off to jog and hummm Yankee doodle while I do. Have a nicer day!
I am wondering about common lotions that many of us put on our skin to moisturize. I am assuming these are now found with heavy metal and other contaminants as well?
If I needed a moisturizer ■ organic coconut oil, olive oil too. M
Most name brand name lotions have hydrogel ingredient polyethylene glycol (PEG) along with old spice and other deodorants, toothpaste, shampoos, conditioners, foods.
Ivermectin can bind to the spikes and block them entering cells. But after they are inside cells, things like spermidine can counter the terrible evil genius move by the spikes. What is that evil-genius move? The spikes themselves (maybe fragments even) can freeze up the very exact processes that cells normally use to clear out junk from inside cells, including to clear out the spikes themselves..but with spermidine, one can counter that evil trick by the spikes.”
What would you like to know about spermidine?
Fill us in. Thank you.
Would you prefer a factual answer, or the version for supplement afficionados?
I do to & lots of other stuff like the Bromelain, Cirtrus Pectin, PQQ, Dandelion & Liquorice powder, R-ALA, CQ10, NAC, Astaxanthin, Selenium, Biotin, MSM, Alpha GPC, Alpha Ketoglutaric Acid, Sulforaphane, Nascent Tri-Iodine, Krill Oil, Taurine etc etc
I would like ask if it's Ok to take stuff like Colloidal Silver or Gold etc or would you just be providing the raw materials to produce more Nano tech stuff that we've seen growing in the blood???
Thank you 😎
Odessa, I think taking the homeopathic Aurum Metallicum is helpful.
Thank you - I'll look into that 👍
I didn’t consider that about colloidal silver, but I will now.
Yes, it's a concern for sure which is why I asked - I've heard others say no, dont take anything like that because it will effect the Nano Tech growth so just wanted an informed, trustworthy opinion
Check into silverware ■ plated or sterling; it has been said the small amounts from usage is beneficial; "born with a silver spoon." M
Yes, I would have thought that as ppl rave about Colloidal Gold & Silver & some of the other lesser known metals but that was before ppl had Nano Tech growing inside them!!
It suits me perfectly - there are no minerals or vits left in food anymore due to exhausted soils & factory farming practices so it's just empty stodge, food additives & preservatives most of the time.
I look 20yrs younger than my real age & am mobile, flexible, sleep well, have good memory/recall & am almost never unwell so I'll keep doing what suits me.
Ray Kurzweil takes 100 different Supplements a day so he must know something most ppl dont
Who is Ray Kurzweil? Has he ever listed what supplements he takes and when?
He's listed as a Futurist, advocate of AI & Transhumanisim & successful Inventor
I thought he had something to do with the invention of Google, but it was DARPA (Military Intelligence) who built the World Wide Web & interestingly it was DARPA who commissioned the DeathVaxx, Sasha Latypova found the documents - it's not called a vaccine, it's called a 'Countermeasure'
He actually takes 250 a day !!
I feel ya Gordon. I hate taking supplements. I do it, but I hate it though.
wow yeah I take just pills of EDTA I hope they are helping me..
Vit C is a must too...
Magnesium ■ too.
biophotomodulation, the best resource for info is not me, but I have used green filters on movie projectors for years before lasers to expedite healing by 6x normal speeds, even saving a foot from amputation due to gangrene within 5 days of surgery. Green light causes oxygen release and other actions in the body, the best is the article on the severe burns on my leg few years ago, 14 sq inches, 2nd degree nasty but looked great, healed in 10 days... no painkillers, or special oxygen chambers... just 15 minutes of exposure to green laser twice a day or at least once in the evening when changing bandages, and this applies to other parts of body and brain. Red, blue, green, each frequency having different effects on different cells. The discovery of cell free mitochondria in the blood, stem cell parts in our urine that can be used to rebuild our own bodies with as well as make stem cell products as China is now proving is great news. So few keep studying to keep up with all the science. Photo modulation also cures baldness and much more. Grounding daily is also essential. Learn to breath right too. https://tinytexashouses.substack.com/p/fire-screamed-loud-in-a-crowd-evacuate This shows the speed of healing on the burn I had.
Ronald - I will study this; thank you! ■ Vitamin C is said to be needed to avoid inflammation, and yes, I have heard that these clots seem to apprear after death and believed to be from the linings of blood vessels (I am an artist). I have had a military person and Doctors report to use Urine for survival and disease cures. This summit's episode below explains some important uses and will end this evening/time sensitive; signing up free may provide a replay at the end; I do not know. I am interested in how urine effects/affects this bioweapon, if it does, then "we know who is drinking their pee." M
Episode 5 - and Catch Up Episodes 1-5
*23 hours remaining, ends approx 7:00 pm est, Sat 28; registration is free.
Can someone please tell me if Dentitox-oral flora biome supplement contains nano or GMO junk. I am disappointed with the result.
I do not know, but my Nanny had a green area/growth mass/covering on her tongue that her local Doctors could not cure, and meds would not kill. ■ My mother had her to use Hydrogen peroxide and it killed it. M
Sickening, to know , but great information, When it comes to your food , make sure it’s super fresh , I eat mostly raw , cook meat , fish and eggs ,
On mercola.com yesterday an article, they found bird contraceptives in chicken nuggets, at fast food stores,
Stay away from processed foods , only wild caught fish is safer to eat ,
the first things I do when helping people is go for the mitochondria, the power plants , within the cells ,
Ancient minerals magnesium spray , all over my body before bed , my son on his feet bottom, as it itchy a tiny bit , because of the chloride molecule, as it’s magnesium chloride, takes about three months to get results, I would add this the any protocols,
I learned some of this on Episode 4, the Bonus/second video. They just gave a free catch up for Episode 1-5, all free, next 22 hours ending Sat about 7 pm, est. M
One thing I wanna contribute: When I was taking the homeopathic Aurum Metallicum (homeopathic Gold), I DID notice that it helped to subside / diminish/ reduce the intrabodynanocircuitry manifestations. So I think the homeopathic Aurum Metallicum is of benefit.