Serrapeptase Prevents Expression of Gel/Plastic (g/p) in Vitro
In a prior post I showed some fibrin proteases (lumbrokinase, nattokinase and serrapeptase) tested could dissolve a fresh cube of g/p. Can serrapeptase prevent formation of g/p in vitro?
Let's be somewhat clear that when I take a red top plain 10ml vacutainer tube and fill it with my blood and then centrifuge it, I see a layer of grayish material that sits above the packed red cells and takes up a volume of about 0.5ml. This shows up immediately after the spin but seems to increase a bit more if examined say 4 hrs later. I wait to fully examine (empty tube on a plate) about 24 hrs later. This is what I call g/p. Others call it rubbery clot, synthetic polymer, amyloid, spike, hydrogel?, nanotech?, graphene? I call it g/p because it could or could not be one of the more specific identifiers but I have no way of testing or confirming that. I know it is not normal and should not be there. I have seen g/p in other non v people as well as v folks. Enough of intro, does serrapeptase (S) prevent expression of g/p in vitro? The following pics are if the control so plain tube with blood known to have g/p. First pic is of tube with g/p noted as grayish area above packed red cells.
This pic is of control when fully examined by emptying on plate.
The next pic is with measurements of g/p. It demonstrates a rubber like stretch and has vol of 0.4 ml in 5ml of blood.
I prepared a solution of serrapeptase by adding half a capsule to 2 ml saline. This commercial brand had 240,000 SPU per serving (2caps). So half a single cap is 60 SPU or about 0.08 g by my scale. Note that S comes in different strengths (SPU which are serratopeptidase units which is more important than grams since additional ingredients like rice flour in a capsule).
I added the S solution to the red top tube that was half filled with blood and mixed gently by inverting tube x10, then centrifuged x 30 min, and examined in 24 hrs. No g/p was present.
To further confirm that serrapeptase prevents expression of g/p in vitro I repeated the test using half the serrapeptase strength. I prepared a solution of a quarter capsule of serrapeptase 30 SPU (0.04g) in 2ml saline and added it to a half filled red top tube containing blood from a source known to have g/p, mixed gently, and spun of 30 min. Exam at 24 hrs as seen below had no g/p present.
Summary. Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from bacteria found in silkworm’s gut that allow the emerging moth to digest and dissolve its cocoon. It has been used for years in Japan and Europe. Serrapeptase prevents the expression of g/p in blood known to contain g/p in vitro. Furthermore I have shown in prior post that S can dissolve preformed cubes of g/p when placed in a solution containing S. I previously posted similar activity with lumbrokinase. Dr Peter McCullough is an advocate of proteolytic enzymes to spike protein such as nattokinase and in his Feb 21, 2023 post quotes studies by Tanikawa and another report by Oba M that dissolution of spike by nattokinase occurs in vitro at a cellular level. In the future I can try nattokinase at this macro level.
Usual serrapeptase dosage range from 20,000 to 120,000 SPU daily dose, with smaller doses at more frequent intervals preferred (ie, 40k three times a day on empty stomach). Enteric coating is better. Anecdotally some are taking higher does but has not been studied. As with all meds you should consult your trusted health care provider especially if taking other blood thinners. I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1
Thank you for your work 🙏🏽 I am sorry I cannot share this with anyone else I know they all think I am crazy, making them depressed and think I should spend my time on other positive things. For me this is a positive thing to fight for humanity seek and learn the truth. I believe we can fight this alien technology with what it is driven by: electricity, light and vibrations. People are seeing benefits of bathing in Baking Soda, Epsom Salt, Borax, Tri Sodium Phosphate (TSP) 1/4 cup of each and electrocuting themselves with Spike surge electromagnetic devices that some people are building (contact me for links) all while drinking 10-20 drops of White Vinegar blended with 3% Peroxide 50/50% as a carbon disconnector. We need more electricians and technicians that are capable and willing to build these electric devices in a factory or production line so many people can benefit and develop the peoples army of anti-nano tech. Love and Peace
Black Seed Oil binds Cadmium and Aluminum which are present in Quantum dots, so it will be interesting to see if black seed oil has an effect in dissolving g/p